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Orca - completed


Name: Orca

Livery Type: Rehabilitation

Arrival Date: March 2021


Age: 19

Breed: Highland

Height: 14.1hh

Medical Issues: EMS, SI issues


Rehabilitation: Weight and muscle gain, mentally switched off

Orca upon arrival in March 2021:


Body & Mood Update - May 2021:


Orca arrived lacking muscle throughout her body which you can see has now started to improve, in addition to gaining some healthy weight. Upon arrival, Orca was also very shut down and un-interested in the other horses, choosing to be by herself at all times. We originally predicted slow progress with her mental wellbeing and mood but Orca surprised us and within a few weeks, started to integrate with her herd. She is now making fabulous progress with her herd members, and chooses to spend her time with them.


Body & Mood Update - May 2022:


Orca has been with us over a year now and has made considerable progress within that time. As you can see, she has built and defined muscle throughout her whole body, more specifically her shoulders, bottom and top line. She is also maintaining a really good weight. Additionally, Orca's mood and attitude has completely changed when compared to how she was upon arrival and is well and truly a valued, loved member of her herd. We are throughoghly pleased with her transformation and change in mood.

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Orca body may 2022 2.jpeg

Orca's Departure - September 2022:


After 18 months in our care for rehabilitation, Orca has left us to return closer to home and her owner. We're are incredibly pleased with the transformation she has undergone during her stay with us and wish them both the best of luck with their new adventures together. 

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Orca - Sole, Depature Day.jpg



"I’d really like to recommend PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery. My pony Orca has been there for 14 months now and the change in her is immense and not something I could have done by myself. She has put muscle and condition on as she was underweight and had lost most of her muscle due to having had time off with me being ill and surgery on her hind leg. She also had back issues. She is a different pony now and is much fitter, happier and doesn’t need Metformin anymore as she has EMS and previously had it prescribed whilst on grass. She has lost her fat pads and looks amazingly well for 20. She used to get a hard filled udder and that is soft and normal and she doesn’t have scabby bits at the back of her legs anymore. She has friends and has a choice of what to do during her day and loves the pond. She does what she wants and that’s a great thing. She’s much happier now. She’s sound and enjoying life. I live three hours drive away from Stafford and someone has to bring me so I don’t get to see her as often as I would like but I don’t worry about her at all as I know she is being well cared for and any problems would be immediately relayed to me. I know she’s absolutely ok. I also find the livery affordable which is another big plus as I can’t work anymore. I’d like to thank Alyson and the PB team for looking after Orca and achieving so much in a relatively short time. Thank you very much." - Claire, Orca's owner

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