07518 370 151

Livery Packages
For further information or personalised packages, please contact us with your details.
Retirement & Non-Ridden Packages -
Basic Full Retirement Livery - £375.00 pcm​
24/7 adlib meadow hay, locally sourced
Basic care & daily checks
Application of creams & sprays
Holding for Trimmer
Giving feed if required (feed not included)
Giving medication if required
Rug and fly mask changes
Minerals and salt licks
Quarterly worm counts
Harrowing and poo picking
Access to additional salt water
Private access to livery owner's only Facebook group
Bedding in field shelters
Healthy treats
Updates - photos, videos and written reports
Hard feed and supplements
​Optional appointments such as bodywork, chiropractor, acupuncture​
Out of hour veterinary appointments
Dentist and Trimmer
All Inclusive Full Retirement Livery - £500.00 pcm
24/7 adlib meadow hay, locally sourced
Basic care & daily checks
Application of creams & sprays
Trim and holding for Trimmer
Supplying and giving hard feed
Vitamin and Mineral supplements
Giving medication if required
Rug and fly mask changes
Minerals and salt licks
Quarterly worm counts
Harrowing and poo picking
Access to additional salt water
Private access to livery owner's only Facebook group
Bedding in field shelters
Healthy treats
Updates - photos, videos and written reports
​Optional appointments such as bodywork, chiropractor, acupuncture​
Out of hour veterinary appointments
Basic Full Retirement or Non-Ridden Livery for Shetlands & Ponies (10hh and below) - £250.00 pcm
(We can also offer an all inclusive version of this package)
24/7 adlib meadow hay, locally sourced
Basic care & daily checks
Application of creams & sprays
Holding for Trimmer
Giving feed if required (feed not included)
Giving medication if required
Rug and fly mask changes
Minerals and salt licks
Quarterly worm counts
Harrowing and poo picking
Access to additional salt water
Private access to livery owner's only Facebook group
Bedding in field shelters
Healthy treats
Updates - photos, videos and written reports
​Hard feed and supplements
Optional appointments such as bodywork, chiropractor, acupuncture​
Out of hour veterinary appointments
Dentist and Trimmer
Basic Non-Ridden (long term) - £375.00 pcm
(We can also offer an all inclusive version of this package)
24/7 adlib meadow hay, locally sourced
Basic care & daily checks
Application of creams & sprays
Holding for Trimmer
Giving feed if required (feed not included)
Giving medication if required
Rug and fly mask changes
Minerals and salt licks
Quarterly worm counts
Harrowing and poo picking
Access to additional salt water
Private access to livery owner's only Facebook group
Creams & sprays applied on minor cuts
Bedding in field shelters
Healthy treats
Updates - photos, videos and written reports
​Hard feed and supplements
Optional appointments such as bodywork, chiropractor, acupuncture​
Out of hour veterinary appointments
Dentist and Trimmer
Rehabilitation Packages -
Full Rehabilitation Livery - £500.00 pcm
24/7 adlib meadow hay, locally sourced
Basic care & daily checks
Application of creams & sprays
Trim and holding for Trimmer
Supplying and giving hard feed
Vitamin and Mineral supplements
Giving medication if required
Rug and fly mask changes
Minerals and salt licks
Quarterly worm counts
Harrowing and poo picking
Access to additional salt water
Private access to livery owner's only Facebook group
Bedding in field shelters
Healthy treats
Updates - photos, videos and written reports
​Optional appointments such as bodywork, chiropractor, acupuncture​
Out of hour veterinary appointments
Specialist Laminitic Full Rehabilitation Livery - £600.00 pcm
This package is aimed towards horses in an acute attack or severe cases.
24/7 adlib meadow hay, locally sourced
Basic care & daily checks
Changing and cleaning of boots
In-hand walking if required
Application of creams & sprays
Trim and holding for Trimmer
Supplying and giving hard feed
Vitamin and Mineral supplements
Calm Healthy Horses GrazeEzy & Alleviate C supplements
Giving medication if required
Rug and fly mask changes
Minerals and salt licks
Quarterly worm counts
Harrowing and poo picking
Access to additional salt water
Private access to livery owner's only Facebook group
Bedding in field shelters
Healthy treats
Updates - photos, videos and written reports
​Optional appointments such as bodywork, chiropractor, acupuncture​
Out of hour veterinary appointments, dentist and wormer
Full Ridden Rehabilitation Livery (Basic) - discussed on enquiry​
This package is aimed towards horses who have already undergone a level of rehabilitation.
Ridden work, ground work, hacking or lead & ride x 3 times a week
24/7 adlib meadow hay, locally sourced
Basic care & daily checks
Application of creams & sprays
Holding for Trimmer
Giving feed if required (feed not included)
Giving medication if required
Rug and fly mask changes
Minerals and salt licks
Quarterly worm counts
Harrowing and poo picking
Access to additional salt water
Private access to livery owner's only Facebook group
Bedding in field shelters
Healthy treats
Updates - photos, videos and written reports
​Hard feed and supplements
Optional appointments such as bodywork, chiropractor, acupuncture​
Out of hour veterinary appointments
Ridden Livery -
Full Ridden Livery - £450.00 pcm
24/7 adlib meadow hay, netted and locally sourced
Basic care and daily checks
Application of creams and sprays such as fly spray
Salt and mineral licks
Holding for trimmer
Giving feed or medication is required (feed itself is not included in the package)
Rug and fly mask changes
Quarterly worm counts
Daily poo-picking
Access to additional salt water
Private access to livery owners only Facebook group
Basic first aid, creams and sprays applied on minor cuts
Healthy treats
Updates - photos, videos and reports
Hard feed and supplements
​Optional appointments such as bodywork, chiropractor, acupuncture​
Out of hour veterinary appointments
Dentist and Trimmer