07518 370 151

Apply to become a livery
When looking for a like-minded individual to fill an upcoming or currently available livery space, it's important to us that we find the best fit for both you and your horse as well as ourselves. Therefore, we do not work on a first-come first-serve basis.
If you would like to be considered for a tour of our yard in hopes of becoming a livery, please email the following information to us at info@pbpaddockparadiselivery.com.
How do I apply? Step 1
Please download and complete the relevant interest form below. To complete the form/s, you can edit them digitally or alternatively, it can be printed off and completed by hand before being attached to an email via photos or scanner.
If you are unsure of what package would be suitable, please contact us directly and we'll be happy to help.
Retirement, Non-Ridden & Rehab Interest Form
Ridden Livery
Interest Form
Laminitic Rehabilitation
Interest Form
How do I apply? Step 2
Please download and complete our health checklist. This can also be completed digitally or printed off by hand.
This checklist in no way impacts or influences your likelihood of becoming a livery, but rather helps us to understand areas of your horse's health that diet and environment may affect.
How do I apply? Step 3
In addition to submitting your interest form, please make sure to provide us with recent and up-to-date photographs and videos of your horse. Please ensure your photos are clear and of reasonable quality.
See below for an example of what we require for your livery application. This is to get a full understanding of your horse's current health and an indication on what package they would be best suited to.
1) Sole view

3) Toe view
5) Sideways body view

7) Above the eye

2) Side view

4) Heel view

6) Crest

8) Hind view

9) Video of them walking or trotting