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PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Mar 14, 20241 min read
Barefoot Myths No.1
We've all heard this and once upon a time, probably said it ourselves. What's actually going on in this scenario though? It is most...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Mar 2, 20242 min read
Hoof sensitivity - there's nothing normal about it.
Hoof sensitivity isn't normal. Awareness centred around species appropriate living is growing daily amongst the equine world, and with...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Nov 21, 20233 min read
4 things to add to your Paddock Paradise next!
If you’re in the UK right now, the chances are you’re extremely fed up of the wet, mud and cold. Personally, we’re just about ready to...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Nov 17, 20233 min read
X-rays - do you really need them to know it's Laminitis?
Many horse owners believe that Laminitis cannot be identified without the assistance of x-rays and an experienced vet. Whilst x-rays can...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Oct 23, 20231 min read
Understanding Laminitic Stretch
Laminitis is an inflammatory disease that originates in the gut, more specifically the lower intestine, going on to affect the entire...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Oct 23, 20231 min read
Why do we have such big hay stations?
The tracks at our retirement and rehab yard were purposely built overly wide, allowing plenty of room for new arrivals to go off by...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Oct 23, 20231 min read
Mudfever - is mud actually the problem?
Being in the UK, a wet and miserable Winter is almost a guarantee which means unfortunately, horse owners are put off the idea of using a...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Oct 23, 20233 min read
What your horse actually needs
With Winter just around the corner, many owners will start bringing their horses into their stable more and more often with increasingly...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Oct 18, 20232 min read
Buster's Club Foot
For many horse owners, a sound barefoot horse’s hoof should look a very particular way. When we chase this idea of the ‘perfect hoof’ in...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Oct 18, 20232 min read
Questions to ask your hay supplier
When you keep your horse on a paddock paradise track system, their main source of forage should be adlib hay. Whilst many believe that...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Oct 18, 20231 min read
Self-trimming vs hoofs that don't grow
When we describe a hoof as 'stuck', we mean that there is very little to no growth between trim cycles. There can often be some confusion...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Sep 25, 20234 min read
Species Appropriate Diet - what we feed and why
We’ve had a few comments recently asking us to elaborate on what exactly we feed to ensure it is species appropriate for our horses. We...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Sep 4, 20233 min read
Why some horses don't succeed barefoot
Although we’re seeing a rise in owners taking their horses barefoot, there is still a huge amount of horses that fail to transition...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Aug 17, 20232 min read
Why do we avoid Alfalfa?
Alfalfa, sometimes known as Lucerne, is considered quite low in sugar so it’s often deemed as suitable to feed. We however don’t...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Jul 27, 20232 min read
Colic - does management have a part to play?
Colic and Laminitis have been wreaking havoc on the equine world for some time now. We know that Laminitis is linked to the gut and...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Jul 27, 20234 min read
EMS rehab & weight loss on adlib hay
We often see horse owners refuse to feed adlib hay under the premise that horses very rarely learn to self-regulate and it isn't suitable...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Apr 26, 20232 min read
Paddock Paradise - the best tool in the box for prevention
There is still quite an overwhelming percentage of owners who consider ‘track life’ to only be suitable for retired horses or those...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Apr 13, 20232 min read
The signs of Sub-clinical Laminitis
There is an overwhelming amount of horse owners who aren’t aware of the signs for sub-clinical Laminitis, and yet if left untreated...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Mar 20, 20232 min read
Horses eat grass, right? Why our horses don't graze grass.
Horse's are adapted to and thrive in semi-arid environments where resources are scarce and daily movement is required to fulfil their...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Mar 20, 20233 min read
Why is movement so important?
It’s crucial for the health of our horses that each owner evaluates whether their equine is having their needs met in a manner that is...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Mar 5, 20233 min read
Why do we humanise horses?
I think it’s safe to say that at some point, we’ve all been guilty of humanising horses at least once or twice, normally because we want...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Feb 6, 20232 min read
Learning from our mistakes
Anyone who professionally works in the horse industry, specifically in rehabilitation, will know that the hard work, stress and sleepless...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Jan 24, 20233 min read
5 budget-friendly and easy enrichment hacks for your Paddock Paradise Track System
One of the wonderful things about having a Paddock Paradise track system is you can really make it your own, whilst of course sticking to...

PB Barefoot Rehab and Retirement Paddock Paradise Livery
Dec 23, 20223 min read
Why we don't stable horses
Stabling horses is not an uncommon thing to do in the equine world, be it to stop your field from getting trashed in Winter or to rest...
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