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Name: Pixie

Livery Type: Retirement

Arrival Date: Early 2018 (exact month unknown)





Medical Issues: N/A


Rehabilitation: Management of Arthritis and weight

May 2018:


Pixie came to use with Arthritis in both front knees and lack of muscle along her top line and shoulders with little stamina - she also carried some extra weight. Due to her Arthritis, Pixie found lifting her feet for trimming sessions difficult and was being trimmed very low to the ground with breaks in-between.

Pixie Transformation.jpg

Body update - January 2020:


The swelling in her knees has reduced drastically, although she does have the occasional flare which is happening less and less. Pixie has lost the fat along her back and shoulders and instead has gained muscle in its place from movement on track. We've also noticed Pixie's legs when standing aren't as bent and she finds it easier to stand square on. Pixie is still in our care for retirement.​

Pixie Transformation.jpg



'This amazing place has been home for my horse for a couple of years now. I never have to worry about her, she is looked after beautifully and in keeping with a natural life that I am sure she would choose for herself. She previously suffered with swollen knees and stiffness but since she has been on a track, on the right diet and constantly moving with her friends she has been absolutely fine. It’s a huge relief to know that she is looked after and loved as I work full time and have commitments that mean I cannot give her what she needs. It’s equine heaven and most of the time I wish I was a horse there.' - Carla, Pixie's owner

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